
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ask - Scripture & A Snapshot #2


This may seem like an odd verse for this photo but for our family the snow in this photo is an answered prayer. My children have spent most of their lives in the midwest, where a white Christmas is expected. I can only remember one Christmas of the nine we spent there, when we did not have a white Christmas. Now that we are back in the south my children miss many things about Iowa, especially having a white Christmas. My oldest son has been praying for weeks for a white Christmas. I did not discourage his prayer, but I thought it highly unlikely that we would have a white Christmas, I spent 28 Christmases here and never remember a single one being white! Yes, I had little faith, not too mention I am not so fond of snow...saw all I wanted to see the 9 winters I spent in Iowa. My son asked in faith and God who is faithful gave him the white Christmas he so desired.

Thank you Father for the good gift you bestowed on my children and the testimony of your sovereignty, goodness and faithfulness.
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  1. That is awesome! I'm with your son. Christmas should be white. :-)

  2. I'm sure your son was delighted with his answered prayer.

    Rosie from leavesnbloom photography

  3. Hi, I'm visiting through Scripture & a Snapshot. I loved reading how God answered your son's prayer!


  4. How fun - and what a great thing for the little guy - to know that God really can answer prayers!

    (so much for global warming, huh? God's got the weather in his control!)


  5. I'm convinced God uses the faith of children to reinforce the faith of adults! It is such a powerful reminder that He IS listening and nothing is impossible for Him!

  6. found you again! Thx for letting me know where to go.

  7. In the winter time, I also wish/hope for snow. I grew up in Chicago, went to college in Charleston, SC, and then moved to Melbourne, FL to marry my husband. We moved to GA a few years ago and I always said that if we were going to move north out of Florida, I want to go far enough north to get snow. No point for it to get cold and not snow! It was fun to see my friend's kids play in the snow - they lived most of their lives in Florida.
